"To spread the love of Christ by providing quality healthcare to those in need."

"To spread the love of Christ by providing quality healthcare to those in need."
Moved by compassion...
"...when he saw them, he was moved by compassion." Luke 10:33
Meet Evelyn
Evelyn has been a patient of Good Sam's for the past 3 years with Dr. Adrienne Polite as her primary care provider. At Evelyn's last visit, she told her provider about a little bump behind her ear. Dr. Polite had the little bump biopsied--diagnosis....Leiomyosarcoma...which is cancer.
With her cancer diagnosis, Dr. Polite sought out one of our strategic community partners to do the surgery. Once the surgery was complete, Dr. Polite worked with another oncology strategic partner to compete her treatment. Evelyn's prognosis is good because she got the treatment she needed when she needed it! This is Good Sam.
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