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Our Services




Good Samaritan offers a dispensary available to all Good Samaritan patients.  Our dispensary participates in a 340B medication purchasing program that allows the clinic to buy medications at a reduced cost.  Patients choosing to use the dispensary are often able to purchase their medications at a greatly reduced cost.  Many times, regular retail pharmacy prices would prevent patients' ability to manage chronic health conditions.  The dispensary team can also assist patients with enrollment into drug manufacturer’s Patient Assistance Programs, PAP.  A PAP coordinator is available to help patients gather required documentation and complete applications for assistance to obtain medications directly from manufacturers.  Patients who are approved through the program often will receive a 90-day supply of medication for a $15 program administration fee.  Good Samaritan dispensary staffs a qualified team of technicians and pharmacists who are available to help answer medication questions or provide helpful materials to our patients.


Prescription Refill Line

Call our dispensary at 404-937-3854. Using a touch-tone telephone, enter the 6-digit prescription number WITHOUT the first "0". The system will inform you it has accepted your refill request.

Your medication refill will be ready in three business days, NOT including the day they were called in. You will NOT receive a call informing you that your refill is ready to be picked up, it is simply ready in three business days. You can walk in to pick up your medication refill during our normal business hours.

Thank you, for helping us offer you quality healthcare.

Linea Para Ordenar Medicamentos

Llame a nuestro dispensario al 404-937-3854. Usando un teléfono de tonos, ingrese el número de prescripción de 6 dígitos SIN el primer "0". El sistema le informará que ha aceptado su solicitud de recarga.

Su resurtido de medicamentos estará listo en tres días hábiles, SIN incluir el día en que lo llamaron. NO recibirá una llamada informándole que su resurtido está listo para ser recogido, simplemente está listo en tres días hábiles. Puede venir a recoger su reabastecimiento de medicamentos durante nuestro horario comercial normal.

Gracias por ayudarnos a ofrecerle atención médica de calidad.

Our Impact Last Year

  • Patients Served


  • Patient Visits


  • Volunteers


  • Volunteer Hours


  • Total Value of Care Provided


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