Our Story
Good Samaritan Health Center of Cobb, a 501(c)3 non-profit Federally Qualified Health Center, opened its doors in 2006 with a mission “to spread the love of Christ by providing quality healthcare to those in need.” The Center was co-founded by Reverend Grant Cole, pastor of Connection Point Church and Dr. Jack Kennedy, Director of Cobb & Douglas Public Health after recognizing that medical bills and unexpected dental emergencies were the root cause of financial hardship, family instability, and diminishing quality of life in the community.
Good Sam Cobb is committed to its founding purpose, to spread the love of Christ and provide a primary medical and dental healthcare home to the uninsured and underinsured, working poor and indigent in our community. Patients pay on a sliding fee scale based on income and household size with the remaining costs being provided by donations. Good Sam’s family centered approach ensures that we deliver high quality primary and preventative medical and dental services in addition to counseling, pharmaceutical, referral, and health education programs in an atmosphere of dignity and respect, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or ability to pay.
Once patients receive routine care, linguistically and culturally appropriate health education, and appropriate medication counseling they experience improved health and success in school, at work, and in other settings that help them move from perpetual self-need to self-sustaining independence.